Files should be submitted in either plain text or MARKUS saved file format and must use UTF-8 encoding. Files in other formats may upload but we cannot guarantee that MARKUS can handle or export such files.
MARKUS uses Chrome. From time to time the cache in Chrome can cause problems. Clear the cache in Chrome in order to ensure that you are using the latest version of MARKUS and for MARKUS to work properly. For instructions on how to clean the cache see
In order to delete multiple tags, click on the term from which the tag is to be removed. Several icons will appear. Click on the “search in text” icon and all instances in which the term appears will show in a pop-up window. Either click the button at the bottom of the result list, or deselect/lock those for which the tag should be preserved and then click on the button.
Highlight a term to be tagged. Select the appropriate tag. Tagging activates the “search in text” icon . Click on it to show all instances in which the term that was just tagged appears. In order to tag all instances, click on the button at the bottom. All terms will be tagged with the last tag applied. In order to remove individual tags, apply the procedure explained in question 3. This procedure will only work when no other tags have been applied to the term before. If tags had been applied in some instances before, first remove all tags (as explained in question 3) and then apply the above procedure.
This may vary somewhat. We recommend that file size not exceed 5 Mb at this time. Split larger files into smaller ones to tag larger corpora.